What is Zitheka!?
Zitheka! - A new initiative to raise awareness of entrepreneurship amongst young Malawians and to encourage them to consider entrepreneurship as a viable route to employment for them and others. Zitheka! Seeks to provide a forum to explore ideas, learn business skills, network with those who can provide support and above all motivate people to take action!
Led by the UKinMalawi – British Council and British High Commission and delivered in partnership with Jubilee Enterprise.
If you are interested to be part of the event register now, there is limited space available.
When is the workshop?
Tuesday 19 May 2015 08:00 to 16:30hrs
Where will it take place?
In Mzuzu, Chibavi at St JOHN of God
Who is eligible?
The workshop is open to all young entrepreneurs or those with passion for entrepreneurship between the ages of 18 and 35 both male and female.
The British Council creates international opportunities for the people of the UK and other countries and builds trust between them worldwide. Our work involves developing relationships with people from a wide range of backgrounds and cultures. Working effectively with diversity and promoting equality of opportunity is therefore an essential part of our work.
How to register?
Please text your full name, age and gender to 0997 99 29 04 to register.
Please note that only those that have registered and have received confirmation can attend the workshop.
Participants will handle all costs related to their travel on the day. Refreshments and lunch will be provided as part of the networking session for all registered participants.